Yovkovtsi Ltd.
Veliko Tarnovo
SIGNALS 24 hours a day
0700 18126 / 062 618 126 / 062 620 077

On the Internet

Payment of water bills via the Internet System (E-PAY):

Payment on the Internet (systeme-pay) is the site www.epay.bg. Create your own account with your user name and password.

Payment of water bills over ATM System (B-PAY):

You can pay your water bill through the "OtherServices" menu of ATMs. You can see step by step how to perform this operation on the site of the e-pay-https://www.epay.bg/?page=front&p=b-pay. After selecting the "B-pay",in the "Merchant code" you have to enter: 50102 for individual clients of "Water Supply and Sewerage Company Yovkovci" Ltd., VelikoTarnovo. Then enter your customer number following the requirements outlined in the e-pay system above.The amount of obligation and the balance on the card account of the customer are displayed on the ATM screen. Confirmation of payment is by entering the PIN code of the card. After payment ATM prints a note with information about the operation carried out. For payment over ATM you can use not only national debitcards, but also international debit and credit cards - MasterCard,Maestro.